Behavior United Dog Behavior and Training

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10 Signs You Might Have a Dog Living with Reactivity

  1. If you peek outside the window before going through the front door with your dog, you might have a reactive dog.

  2. If you scan the environment for bicycles, cars, delivery trucks, baby strollers, joggers, letter carriers, or other dogs, you might have a reactive dog. 

  3. If you are standing with your dog between two parked cars, looking through the car’s windows while watching other dogs walk by, you might have a reactive dog. 

  4. If you walk your dog at o’dark hundred, you might have a reactive dog. 

  5. If you are convinced that walking your dog is training you for special forces, you might have a reactive dog. 

  6. If you resent sunny cool days because everyone and every dog is outside, you might have a reactive dog. 

  7. If you give people a death stare who are walking towards you with their dog, you might have a reactive dog. 

  8. If you are annoyed by the mere presence of others and other dogs outside when you’re outside, you might have a reactive dog. 

  9. If you’ve considered moving for your dog, you might have a reactive dog. 

  10. If a stranger yelling, “Don’t worry, she’s friendly” while his off leash dog runs towards you makes you want to dope slap him, you might have a reactive dog.