Behavior United Dog Behavior and Training

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Dog Training State of the Union 2020

Did you adopt a dog at the Clear the Shelters event this month? Did you add a puppy or new dog to your family this year? If so, you may be experiencing the new challenges that 2020 brings to integrating dogs into your families. Wondering what dog training during a pandemic looks like? 

Puppy Socials

Many places are hosting puppy socials or puppy play groups. In observation of social distancing, you are likely going to drop your dog off with the trainers and watch the play via video on your phone. Don’t worry, you’ll still receive a behavior report. And, this report won’t go on their permanent record, so the Ivy League schools will never know. 

Basic Manners Training

Some facilities are offering socially distant group basic manners classes both outdoors and indoors with everyone wearing masks. Indoor classes may be slightly shorter to allow for all of the cleaning the trainer needs to perform between classes. Instead of asking your trainer questions after class, jot down your questions and email them to your trainer so they have time to disinfect the training space between classes. 

In-person private training is likely taking place outdoors with everyone wearing masks. Many trainers are offering early morning and evening hours to make the dog days of summer more tolerable. In-person private training may be interrupted by weather or the need to quarantine before/after vacation and with Covid-19 exposure. 

Many dog training businesses, including Behavior United LLC, continue to offer on-demand classes and subscription services. Our newest service, Best Behavior, is a subscription service focusing on attention with distraction. Not that any of your dogs would ever choose a distraction over you. 

Private training and live group classes continue to be offered online. Online services are an excellent budget-friendly option for many, including immunocompromised individuals. This is also ideal for heat intolerant brachycephalic breeds such as frenchies and pugs. 

Behavior Consultations

Online continues to be the best platform for behavior consultations. Online behavior consultations are less stressful for your dog and safer for the trainer. They are effective and they’re here to stay. Without influencing your dog’s behavior with his/her presence, it allows the trainer to observe your dog’s baseline behavior. Experienced trainers can glean your dog’s personality from the answers on the behavior intake form, the online observations of your dog, and your interactions with your dog. If needed, pictures and videos of the undesirable behavior can always round out the information. The behavior intake form, the conversation, and online observations guide your dog’s effective behavior modification plan.

When it comes to behavior modification, early intervention is important. Online behavior consultation scheduling tends to have less wait time than in-person. Many trainers are starting wait lists for all of the recently adopted Pandemic Pups. Online training can help you and your dog sooner! Why wait? 

Whether you’ve added a furry family member in 2020, need help with a new behavior challenge, or one that’s getting worse, dog trainers are open for business! We have many service options, as described above. If you’ve helped clear the shelters this year, thank you! Now it’s time to fill your minds with training and behavior knowledge. United we train.